Saturday, October 22, 2011

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

This was our October book club selection, and I kind of wasn't thrilled by it. We read Fahrenheit 451 for our first book about a year ago and for me it was a disappointing high school revisit, partly because in high school I loved Ray Bradbury. Also, I had read this book, years and years ago, and so far there have only been two book club choices that were new to me.

But I dutifully read the book. Actually, I put off reading it until a few days before book club and therefore I kind of speed-read my way through the novel. And on (speed) reading the book, I still wasn't thrilled by it. Ray Bradbury is a very flowery writer. He crams metaphor after metaphor into his sentences, to the point that it gets a bit exhausting and annoying. I don't think my issues with Ray Bradbury have anything to do with whether or not he was talented. I just don't care for his style like I once did. His style bugs me.

That being said, we still managed to have a great book club discussion. Ray Bradbury's style may bug me, but he gave us an awful lot to talk about.

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